Schwalbe British 4X Series Round 5 & 6 – Falmouth
Rounds 5 and 6 of the 2019 Schwalbe British 4X Series took place in Falmouth, Cornwall last weekend. After, lets say a very challenging season, team rider Scott Beaumont, although still recovering from his major thumb injury, was starting to feel good on the bike again and he was showing some signs of good speed once again.
A strong 4th last week at 4X ProTour in Poland was seriously impressive and coming into this weekend he wanted to continue his return to form.
Arriving on Friday Scott began his weekend with a practice session on the track. Over the years this track has been very good to Scott and straight away he looked comfortable on the track. A good evening of food and it was time for bed in the team Dethleffs truck.

Saturday – Round 5:
The weather was perfect and Scott was clearly in the mood. A good practice session and some gates that looked perfect and he was ready to race.
In his 3 qualifying races, he took the holeshot in each one and simply checked out. He was looking good and focused for the semi final. In the semi final he chose gate 1. Again made a great start and sealed his final place with a big win.

Onto the final. Again chasing his favoured gate 1. The beeps went and Scott fired out of the gate. Leading through turn 1, he went tight in turn 2 to hold the inside line. He powered out of turn 2 and nailed the log section before launching the pro line doubles. He was pulling away with every pedal stroke. Across the finish line Scott had built a good lead and took the win.
Scott’s last 4 weeks have been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions and pain. At round 5 he looked relaxed and fast. Although still far from 100% he rode really, really well.

Sunday – Round 6:
Sunday and again we woke to blue skies and a perfect day for racing. The track had a few changes for Sundays race which would really spice up the racing.
The same format for Sunday with 3 qualifying races to start the day. Scott won his first 2 races comfortably. In his third race he was bar banging through the first turn. It was some classic 4X action and it was good to see Scott feeling good on the bike again and racing hard. Scott held strong and took the win.

Into the final and Scott chose gate 1. Making a perfect start Scott was again going bar to bar on the first straight. It was entertaining for the crowd but Scott fought for the position and took the holeshot into turn 1. From here Scott rode a perfect lap and continued to extend his lead all the way to the finish.

Out of 9 races through the weekend, Scott won every one of them. He looked strong and somewhere back towards his best after an horrific year of major injuries.
“I felt great on the bike all weekend and it feels even better to have taken the wins on both days. These result have now put me in mathematical contention for the overall title and I am excited to head to the series finals to see what we can achieve.”

The teams next event will be the cycle show at Birmingham and then our next race the Schwalbe British 4X Series finals in Redhill, Gloucestershire in a few weeks.
Thank you again to all our sponsors for your support in 2019. We will see you all at the Cycle Show.